English, Hindi, and Marathi
22 | Single| Student
A year ago I was in such a condition in my life where I just wanted to end everything. Had no such social group to seek emotional stability for. Home was chaos. parents' marriage was about to scrumble. Seeing your mother not happy in her marriage, as a female you lose hopes in romantic relationships. Having a narcissistic father fills life with so much trauma. Had some breakup's, romantic as well as friendship breakups. loosing someone who was the sole source of emotional support was not easy. Professional life was sailing rough though. you need peace somewhere home or outside, i had it nowhere. failing in career was an add-on. sometimes you give something so much effort, attention, sacrifice and still that things does'nt work in your favor is a big heartbreak indeed. I have become hyper-independent recently . Friendships start feeling hollow, one-sided. Now when i look back I wish to have someone like me to just be there to have a word.
But now I have decided to be someone to others, just what my younger self needed to have .
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